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Did you know that Medicare beneficiaries who win a settlement in a personal injury liability case sometimes find their efforts unrewarded because the Federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services end up receiving the settlement they thought would be theirs.
The current state of the law is if Medicare pays any medical bills on behalf of your client for a personal injury case, Medicare has an automatic lien on the case that cannot be ignored for reimbursement of the bills paid by Medicare minus deductions for attorney’s fees and costs of litigation. The lawyer must protect the money owed to Medicare or the client and the attorney can be sued. This is an unfortunate problem on personal injury cases in Connecticut as well as in other states. Medicare does not care if you have a million dollars to pay them, they still, under current law take forever to get back to you. This slows down cases and can make it difficult to resolve cases. Our firm tries to expedite this by aggressively following up with Medicare relentlessly until we get the answer on the lien issue. Please contact us as we have lots of experience in successfully handling these situations and getting the Medicare lien resolved so your case is not unnecessarily delayed.