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Are people less worried about driving behaviors? Drivers are not as likely to perceive a significant threat from hazardous driving behaviors like drunk, aggressive or drowsy driving, according to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety.
The decreased concern about driving behaviors is accompanied by an estimated 5. 3% boost in traffic related deaths, totaling more than 34, 000 in 2012. This would be the first raise within seven years, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Motorists may be becoming more complacent about potential safety risks whilst driving. The “Do as I say, not as I do” attitude remains frequent with many motorists persistently admitting to participating in the same dangerous behaviors they would condemn other drivers for doing.
Survey results throughout the past four years show a minimizing concern for hazardous driving behaviors:
The number of individuals who believe operating a motor vehicle after drinking is a serious threat declined from a near universal 90% in 2009 to only 69% in 2012;
The number of individuals who believe that texting or emailing while operating a motor vehicle is a very serious hazard declined from 87% in 2009 to 81% in 2012;
The number of individuals who admit to texting while operating a motor vehicle increased from 21% to 26% during the same period;
The number of individuals who consider running a red-light to be completely unacceptable decreased from 77% in 2009 to 70% in 2012; even though one-third (38%) or more admitted to running a red light within the past month.
Someone dies on America’s roadways every 15 minutes due to various driving habbits. Car crashes affect younger people disproportionately by killing more people aged 5-34 than any other cause of death. More than 2. 3 million people yearly also experience serious injuries from car accidents.
The AAA reviewed four years (2009-2012) of survey data collected or the annual Traffic Safety Culture Index, which tracks the way the public’s views and perceptions of traffic safety issues change as time passes. More than 11, 000 surveys were administered to Americans aged 16 and older from 2009-2012 to determine the results.
Likely, the main reason people are so less worried about these accident and circumstances is because they believe that it can’t happen to them. They are very wrong. It can happen to anyone, anywhere, anytime. When it happens, it can transform or destroy lives. No one is immune.
Despite statistics showing that people may be increasingly less concerned, in personal injury cases, judges and juries still are incredibly strong in holding wrongdoers accountable for the harm they cause. Our civil justice system remains strong.
At Tindall Law firm, LLC we are very experienced in helping those with injuries to receive the just compensation to which they are entitled. Please contact us with any questions on this topic or any other legal issues by calling us at (203) 755-0018 or visiting us online at http: //tindall-lawfirm. com/ with all your legal needs.