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After experiencing an injury at work, you may be struggling through the workmen’s compensation filing process. As you seek to heal from the resulting physical and psychological injuries resulting from the experience, the medical bills start piling up. Being unable to work, you are also not collecting a salary. Worker’s compensation benefits oftentimes can be helpful, but usually they are not enough to offset all the harms and losses you sustain. So where then do you turn for a solution? Who else might bear responsibility for your injuries? You need an attorney experienced in Workman’s Compensation situations who also is very well versed in filing a concurrent third party claim or lawsuit, if injuries sustained while working are caused by someone other than your employer. Most of the time this can be very difficult to determine this without sound legal assistance.
Let’s start with explaining what exactly is a “third party claim”? A third party claim is one brought against another person or entity such as a company, landlord, maker of a product, etc. for injuries, losses and damages a worker may suffer that are caused by the third party’s violation of the law. Often when one is on the job working they will sustain injuries that are caused by a third party. Under these circumstances the injured employee can seek to recover for the harms and losses they sustained by pursuing a concurrent worker’s compensation claim and a third party claim against those responsible for causing the harms and losses.
For example, a “third party claim” may be pursued against a contractor or subcontractor who did faulty work on a property or the owner of premises that are dangerous and not properly maintained causing injuries to the worker. These concurrent third party claims are also applicable in the instance where the employee is operating a motor vehicle in the course work and is involved in a motor vehicle collision caused by the unsafe driving of a third party. There have been and can be many “on the job” injury matters that are caused by a third party and can produce concurrent third party cases against the responsible third parties such as: a property owner or maintenance company; a contractor, a subcontractor, or an automobile dealer or equipment manufacturer who make a defective product; a negligent operator of a motor vehicle.
Because standard worker’s compensation does not pay damages for pain and suffering or loss of your life’s activities or fully compensate you for lost wages or your permanent impairments you may sustain, a third party claim is a good option to consider to compensate you fully for your harms and losses.
Workers’ compensation only provides compensation for a percentage of the worker’s lost wages, permanent disabilities, impairment of earning capacity and certain types of scarring and disfigurement. It also provides medical benefits for treating the injury/illness and to cover out-of-pocket medical expenses. While these payments are helpful, they can leave an injured worker reeling from substantial losses beyond what these worker’s compensation benefits cover. This is where the concurrent third party claim is so crucial to helping those whose lives have been turned upside down.
Even if you do not have health insurance, you can get treatment with workers’ compensation benefits and through the third-party suits. Do not let lack of health insurance prevent you from filing a claim. At the Tindall Law Firm, LLC, we can help you deal with financial loss and move forward in the best way possible. You can rely on our law firm for compassionate and zealous advocacy, as we work to obtain proper compensation for you. For a free consultation with a Waterbury workman’s compensation and third party claims attorney, please call Tindall Law Firm at 203-755-0018 or visit us online