Premises liability and parking lot injuries

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    The United States is an exceptionally populated and very mobile nation, and for almost every shopping center, school, or condo working, there is a parking area that enables individuals access to these premises via automobile. Parking areas are helpful and convenient spots to leave a vehicle while individuals carry on with their everyday business, yet they can likewise be conceivably perilous. Consistently, numerous individuals are harmed from mishaps or assaults that happen in parking areas.

    As an open access public place, premises liability laws must be addressed by proprietors of parking lots and garages. Individuals assume a specific level of security in a parking area. In the event that carelessness with respect to the parking lot or garage proprietor, the proprietor might be considered responsible for the harms that originate from that damage. Tindall Law Firm, LLC is glad to examine the obligation of the landowner of the parking lots and garages, and how our Waterbury, Cheshire, Southington and Hartford clients can guarantee they are legitimately compensated for harms occurring at fault of the proprietors’ negligence in parking lots and/or parking garage.

    Obligation of Care

    Premises liability laws have been based on the understanding that property owners must comply to a specific legitimate obligation of care. Those that are at the owner’s premises as a customer or guest of a tenant are known under CT law as invitees, and are owed the highest duty under CT law. This duty requires the landowner to inspect their property for latent defects, provide warnings of defects, and maintain their property to make it reasonably safe. Failure to this exposes the landowner to liability to the invitee under the law.

    These premises liability laws apply to all territories of the property, including the parking area. The landowner owed a non-delegable duty to maintain their property and cannot pass off this responsibility to those it hires to do work there.

    Parking Area Hazards

    Mishaps are normal in parking garages. There are numerous components that can add to these. Probably the most widely recognized parking area perils include:

    Poor Lighting: A dim/dark parking area can be a hazardous place. Poor lighting frequently adds to mis-steps and falls. Poor lighting is likewise perfect for criminal action, as it makes it easier to slip around in the shadows. Subsequently, poor lighting expands the danger of burglary and physical assault, exposing the landowner to a separate claim for negligently failing to provide adequate security for its invitees.

    Damaged Asphalt: Parking areas are utilized by numerous autos on any given day, so it isn’t a surprise that parking garage asphalt regularly ends up needing repair. Larger breaks, pot-holes, and unsafe wheel stops would all be able to be harmful or cause a fall or worse. A proper inspection would notice these slow developing defects and require the landowner to have them repaired immediately, or face liability.

    Lacking or Poor Signage: Inadequate or poor signage is a specific worry for parking areas and structures. At the point when numerous autos are parked in a little space, inappropriate signage can increase the danger of an auto collision or, even worse, a passerby. While careless drivers can be considered in charge of these mishaps, premises liability laws likewise regularly apply.

    Lacking Security: Parking lot and garage proprietors are not lawfully committed to provide security staff. Be that as it may, if a parking area is particularly large, if wrong-doing is an issue in that part of town, and if the property proprietors show a generous profit from the location, it is sensible to believe that security will be on-site. Lacking security can increase the danger of criminal action, including ambush and/or assault, thereby exposing the landowner to liability.

    Proof of Negligent Premises Liability

    Premises Liability cases can be difficult to prove. It is up to the person injured to demonstrate that carelessness with respect to the property proprietor caused or added to wounds and harms. This is why it is important to seek out an experienced attorney early on while the evidence is still available to prove the defect. We are knowledgeable and experienced in proving premises liability cases and will gather the proof that is important to demonstrate the landowner’s breach of their obligations.

    Contact Us

    In the event that you have been harmed in a parking lot or garage and might want to learn more about Connecticut Liability Laws contact us by phone 203-755-0018 or online at We will listen to the details your case and educate you on your best course with respect to legal action.

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