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In Connecticut pedestrian accidents are more common than you think. When you head out to walk the dog, get some fresh air or run errands on foot you don’t intend to be involved in an accident while crossing the street, but it happens more than you think. A pedestrian accident instantly changes the life of the victim and their family often forever. Recovery is the first thought to address – lengthy hospital stays, medical care, and an unknown future. There will surely also be the concern of missing work to recover, or the time a family member will miss of work to assist the pedestrian victim recovering. Unexpected bills due to medical treatment, and time out of work will begin to pile up. This time immediately following an accident causes high anxiety and a feeling of absolute loss of control.
An experienced Connecticut pedestrian accident attorney can help you learn more about your rights and options. Speaking to a qualified attorney can put many of your concerns and anxiety to rest.
Rising CT pedestrian fatalities prompt support for new safety bill
There was a 20 percent increase in Connecticut pedestrian fatalities from 2017 to 2018.
“According to a Governor’s Highway Association report, In the first two months of 2020 alone, 14 Connecticut pedestrians have lost their lives in traffic-related accidents”
If a car hit you while you were walking, you’re hardly alone. With an average reported injury/fatality rate of 89%, collisions between vehicles and pedestrians are shown to be some of the most dangerous and deadly accidents on Connecticut roads. From 2008 to 2017 the number of nighttime pedestrian fatalities increased by 45 percent, compared to a much smaller 11 percent increase in daytime pedestrian fatalities.
If you are injured in a pedestrian accident or you stop to assist someone injured, the immediate concern should be getting the injured pedestrian medical care. Nothing is more important! A pedestrian accident victim oftentimes can have non-visible injuries internally, in addition to the more visible broken bones, cuts and scrapes that may be seen. A 911 call should be made immediately, and the victim should be kept safe and still until help arrives. Do not try to be strong or think you are fine and go on to complete your daily tasks, if you do not see any visible injuries. You should get checked out to make sure there is no internal bleeding, including in your brain. There are many hidden injuries you may not experience immediately. Take time to see a doctor right away to receive all of the medical treatment necessary.
Follow the doctor’s orders on how long you need to stay in the hospital to stabilize your condition. Once you are discharged be sure to follow-up with your doctor and fill your prescriptions as directed for the best possible recovery.
Immediately seeking medical care for victims involved in a pedestrian accident ensures that any internal or external injuries will be treated. The medical billing will be paid in the interim by any applicable health insurance. The medical records and billing you incur related to the pedestrian accident will be submitted ultimately to the at fault insurance company as part of your claim to be compensated for all the harms and losses you sustain, due to the wrongful conduct of the driver. Please make sure you detail all injuries you sustained due to be struck by a motor vehicle so that proper treatment can be provided.
Once you have been evaluated and treated for your injuries right after they occur, reach out to legal counsel to help you navigate the process of receiving compensation for your harms and losses.
The Tindall Law Firm, LLC, provides experienced representation to injury victims and their families in Connecticut, including pedestrians injured when they are struck by a motor vehicle. We understand your concerns because we have helped thousands of people who were faced with the same issues after a serious injury or a wrongful death. To schedule a free consultation with a Waterbury personal injury lawyer, please call 203.755.0018 today.