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It’s that time of year again. The kids’ excitement for summer camps is increasing with each passing day, while the parents’ worries for the physical, emotional and legal welfare of their children is rising at a rivalling pace.
Granted, as parents, we may not be able to protect our loved minors from each and every danger that lies in their path, but by taking a few simple, yet vital precautions, it is possible to have relative peace of mind.
Below are some tips to help alleviate some concerns you may have for your kids when they attend summer camp:
Emergency Contacts
Ensure that your children have backup emergency contacts. In addition to the emergency contacts required by the camp organizers, give your children information for a minimum of one other non-related backup contact.
ACA Accreditation
While there is nothing that can give complete peace of mind when your children are away from home, checking to see if the camp is accredited by the ACA (American Camp Association) certainly can help. This accrediting board is responsible for day camp and sleep-away camps throughout the country, and if the camp is accredited by this agency it helps elevate the quality of the camp compared to those that are not accredited.
Vet The Staff
The staff at the summer camp are the ones who will have considerable responsibility for your children during their time away. Check that they are well-trained, know first aid and CPR. Don’t rely on over the phone answers, instead ask for the information in writing.
Instructions on Allergies/Sunscreen/Insect Repellant Spray
Ensure that the counselors and the camp nurse are aware of any allergies for your child, and provide extra medications, including EpiPens if necessary, with your child’s baggage. Also make sure your children have sunscreen applied and sprays that can repel ticks and other dangerous insects.
Check The Facilities
Before leaving your children to enjoy their summer camp, take a good look around. Make sure that all buildings, facilities and camp bunks are all in good condition.
Have The ‘Birds And Bees’ Talk
Ensure your child knows the type of touching that is inappropriate. Such a conversation should be held in a way that your child would feel comfortable immediately talking to you if such a situation arose.
Awkward Questions Must Be Asked
Sex abuse and other types of child abuse may not your favorite topics of conversation, but as a parent it is your responsibility to ensure that those who will be in charge of your children have the appropriate training. Ask for camp statistics on suspected abuse, reporting policies and occasions when your child may be alone with an adult. If the smallest alarm bell rings at the given answers, strike the summer camp off your list and move on to the next one.
Suspected Abuse Must Be Reported Immediately
Don’t wait for hard evidence before reporting a reasonable belief that your child has been abused. Remember, as a parent it is your job to report the incident, leave the gathering of evidence to the police and prosecutors. Make sure you inform your kids prior to attending camp that they should report to you any conduct by other kids or counselors that is making them uncomfortable. Ensure that your children understand that they must report to you any wrongful conduct at camp, and not to fear reprisal by anyone if they report such unlawful conduct.
Be Liability Wise
Summer camps often include a wide range of activities, some of which are classified as high risk. In other words, if you have signed that your child can participate in football activities, you have also likely signed at least a partial waiver for the camp’s responsibility for injuries sustained during the activity. If a particular activity is too risky, then make it clear in writing that your child may not participate in that activity.
Re-Read The Contracts
Summer camp waivers and contracts can seem an impossible feat to understand. Before executing the camp forms ask a lawyer experienced in the field to examine the contract and advise you on what you are actually signing.
At Tindall Law firm, LLC we are very experienced in helping those needlessly injured in various incidents, which are caused by the wrongful conduct of another. We fight on your behalf to help you receive the just compensation to which you are entitled to cover the harms and losses, which you have sustained. Please contact us with any questions on this topic or any other legal issues by calling us at (203) 755-0018 or visiting us online at http: //tindall-lawfirm. com/ with all your legal needs.