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    Traumatic Brain Injury

    Mild, Moderate and Severe TBI

    A traumatic brain injury (TBI) can be caused by neurological disruption of the brain resulting from a closed head injury or a penetrating head injury. Whether the TBI is mild, moderate or severe, the patient may experience numerous cognitive symptoms and impairments, including memory loss and inability to concentrate.
    The Tindall Law Firm, LLC, provides representation to TBI victims and their families in Connecticut. We seek compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. If the negligence of another party caused your injury, speak with our experienced lawyer today. For a free consultation with a Waterbury brain injury attorney, please call 203.755.0018 or contact us online.

    Cognitive, Emotional and Physical Difficulties

    Memory loss is the most common cognitive impairment in patients with severe head injuries, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. It is typically characterized by some loss of specific memories and the partial inability to make or store new memories.
    People with mild TBI may also experience memory loss. Post-traumatic amnesia is common among TBI patients with mild, moderate and severe injuries. While it is possible to recover memories for some TBI patients, the loss is permanent in others.
    Memory loss, confusion and lack of concentration can make it difficult to perform everyday tasks such as driving or shopping. Some people will be unable to return to work or school. People with severe TBI will most likely need daily help from family members or professional caregivers.
    Emotional difficulties and mood disorders are also common in TBI victims. In more serious cases, the person may have seizures, loss of vision, difficulty speaking, motor skill impairments and chronic headaches. The worst brain injuries may result in a permanent coma or wrongful death.
    Was your TBI caused by a vehicle accident, slip-and-fall accident, work accident or another accident caused by a third party’s negligence? You may be able to collect damages for your medical bills and related losses. With our help, you can hold the negligent party liable.

    Contact a Southington Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney

    To schedule a free consultation, please call 203.755.0018 today.

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